Sunday, March 11, 2012

I don't teach sex ed!

When the afternoon rolls around in my class and our math lesson is complete, my students and I are all in need of a break. They will grab a snack, visit with each other, or do other fun activities I have setup in my classroom. I usually will check emails, organize materials for the rest of the day, or just visit with my students. This is a time I can just hang out with them. While we were on our break one day, I decided to check some emails. One of my more interesting little girls approached me at my desk with an obvious need to share something. As I looked up to ask her what she needed, she said the following statement to me...

"Ms. E, I know how a boy can be inside of a girl."

As I was stuttering for words, I instantly started flipping through the appropriate responses to this statement in my mind. Unfortunately, I didn't have a file on this from any previous experience. As I struggled continuously on how to respond, she repeated the statement with a very large grin on her sweet little round face. As I was about to counter her terrifying proclamation, just hoping the right words would somehow find their way out of my mouth, she concluded with...

"When a woman is pregnant with a baby boy, she has a boy inside of her."

Lesson to be learned?
Channel the inner boy scout and always be prepared... for ANYTHING!

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