Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Whole New Government

On a weekly basis, I have my students do a free writing journal entry. Sometimes I give them a choice of topic, and other times I select a specific issue for them to focus on. Last week's writing prompt was centered around the inauguration, of course. They had to write about what they hope Barack Obama will do as president, or what they would do to help our country and the world if they were president. Below are a few little excerpts from the minds of my wonderfully imaginative students..."I will also try to help the people get money and lower the taxis.""The center for the homeless will be powered by the government. We would give them a home and they pay us back with matches, silverware, and stuff like that."

"I think I would stop people from hunting animals because the parents of the animal will miss him or her a lot!"

"I wouldn't make a law that you have to smell everything you see like my friend said he would."

"I even would give them good water too so all people will die with there oldness."

"We also need money. People have been fired. They need money. And I mean money from the Washington money copier."

Lesson to be learned?

There is a reason that 9 year olds can't be president, but I would like to see what would happen if they could!

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